




克莱伯格橡胶(苏州)有限公司是德国Kraiburg橡胶有限公司的全资子公司。公司开发和生产基于各种橡胶聚合物的混炼胶,这些橡胶聚合物包括FPM,ECO,HNBR,VAMAC等特种合成橡胶,并广泛适用于汽车,胶辊以及各种工业领域。 今天,克莱伯格已经在橡胶业成为一个享誉全球的著名公司,凭借自己良好的产品质量和信誉,克莱伯格已经被世界范围内的客户所信赖,并受到同领域专家的认可和肯定。同时,克莱伯格作为一个可靠的合作伙伴,加上其高质量的产品使公司50多年来成为一个专业的橡胶领域的领先者。 克莱伯格集团目前在全球拥有1800多名员工,有将近10%的员工致力与公司的科研发展和质量控制,以此来确保加强并巩固克莱伯格市场的领先地位。拥有高素质的员工,最新的设备,高超的科技和优质的产品质量使我们成为一个专一的有活力的强大集体。 我们一直坚信:员工是公司可贵的财富。 克莱伯格公司拥有人性化的管理,广阔的个人发展空间。 欢迎您加入克莱伯格(苏州)有限公司,与我们一起手牵手共同迈向美好明天! Kraiburg Rubber(suzhou)Co.,Ltd is a subsidiary of Germany bases Gummiwerk Kraiburg GmbH.The business scope of Kraiburg is the development and marufacture of rubber compund based on all tyepes of elastomers, inkluding special elastomers like FKM, ECO, HNBR and VAMAC, comprehensive used for automobile, rubber roller and different kind of rubber industry. Today, KRAIBURG is a highly successful and world-famous company in the rubber business.KRAIBURG is proud of its well-respected name and reputation among experts in its field and is confirmed by its many loyal customers worldwide. The KRAIBURG group currently employs about 1,800 people. Nearly 10 percent are engaged in the fields of research, development and quality control, to assure and to strengthen our KRAIBURG market leadership. High qualified and motivated employees, the latest equipment, superior technology and the highest quality standard all act together in a single dynamic and powerful unit. The KRAIBURG reliability as a partner as well as the outstanding quality of its products have combined to make the company famous as a competent specialist over more than 50 years. Kraiburg Rubber (Suzhou) Co., Ltd has put into construction since March 2006.We are now expect employees for our up-coming development of our company. We insist that “Our employees are our great fortune”! KRAIBURG has the humanistic management, enough development space and the special training opportunities. Welcome to join us and we will be hand in hand into the future! 1、请在邮件标题注明所应聘职位,勿重复发送邮件. 2、地点:公司位于长阳街与凤里街之间,坐落在方正集团对面,厂门面向华虹街上。 3、公交:乘坐158路,到“北大方正东”站下。





