腾德集团成立于2011年,是一家全球性的产品安全机构,Tentamus 致力于通过快速的响应时间和接近度来提供客户的质量和安全服务,核心业务据点包含欧洲、中国和美国。腾德集团获得认可和授权,对涉及人体相关的食品和饲料、药物和医疗、农用化学品、化妆品、农业和环境以及营养和补充品等业务提供审核和咨询服务,被公认为世界上最受尊敬的质量和安全公司,腾德集团在全球拥有超过35个服务据点,超过1500名训练有素的工作人员和近100万平方英尺的实验室和办公空间。
Founded in 2011, Teng Tak Group is a global Product safety agency,Tentamus strives to provide customer quality and safety services through quick response time and close proximity,with core business locations including Europe, China and the United States. The group is accredited and empowered to provide audit and advisory services on food and feed, pharmaceuticals and medical care, agro-chemicals, cosmetics, agriculture and the environment, and nutrition and supplements related to the human body. Be, and be acknowledged as, the most respected quality and safety company in the world,The group has more than 35 service locations around the world, with more than 1500 well-trained staff and nearly 1 million square feet of laboratory and office space.
班天数:一周五天制8小时工作制 ,社会保险:养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、住房公积金、商业医疗保险 ,薪酬制度:对内公平、对外极具竞争力的薪酬体系带薪假期:年休假、法定假期11天外加圣诞假期2天,婚假、产假、探亲假、丧假以及相关假期的补贴公司旅游:每年公司组织一次旅游,每年聚餐500元/人,公司邮箱 联系人:陈小姐联系方式:0591-88626066-8111 传 真:0591-88626061 公司地址:福建省福州市仓山区齐安路756号