




达飞,由鲁道夫 ? 萨德领导的世界领先航运物流集团,服务覆盖全球五大洲420多个港口。2020年,集团旗下542艘船舶完成了近2100万标准集装箱的运输量。子公司基华物流作为全球***物流提供商,每年处理40万吨空运货物和280万吨陆运货物。凭借基华物流和达飞空运部,达飞集团不断推陈出新,以开创性的海陆空货运和物流解决方案,提供端到端服务,助力客户实现业绩增长。 达飞致力于引领航运业能源转型,不仅率先使用替代燃料,还设定了“2050年实现碳中和”的集团目标。这一持续改进计划已取得丰硕成果,2020年集团碳排放总量减少了4%。 通过达飞基金会,集团每年向数千名儿童伸出援手,支持倡导普及教育和机会平等。达飞基金会还借助于集团的航运物流资源,将人道主义物资运送到世界各地亟需帮助的地方,对人道主义危机提供紧急援助。 集团网络遍布全球各大洲,拥有超过400个办事机构和750个仓库,在世界160个国家拥有超过11万名员工,其中约2400人服务于马赛总部。 Led by Rodolphe Saadé, the CMA CGM Group, a global leader in shipping and logistics, serves more than 420 ports around the world on five continents. Backed by a fleet of 542 vessels, in 2020 the Group transported nearly 21 million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units) containers. With its subsidiary CEVA Logistics, a world leader in logistics, which transports 400,000 tons of air freight and 2.8 million tons of land freight each year, and its air freight division CMA CGM AIR CARGO, the CMA CGM Group is continually innovating to offer its customers a complete and increasingly efficient range of new shipping, land, air and logistics solutions. Committed to the energy transition in shipping, and a pioneer in the use of alternative fuels, the CMA CGM Group has set a target of carbon neutrality by 2050. An approach involving ongoing improvement which brings concrete results, with a decrease of 4% in the total CO? emissions of the Group in 2020. Through the CMA CGM Foundation, every year the Group helps thousands of children through its actions to promote education for all and equal opportunity. The CMA CGM Foundation also acts in humanitarian crises that require an emergency response by mobilizing the Group’s shipping and logistics expertise to bring humanitarian supplies around the world. Present in 160 countries through its network of more than 400 offices and 750 warehouses, the Group employs more than 110,000 people worldwide, including 2,400 in Marseilles where its head office is located.





