Alight Solutions是一家全球领先的基于云科技的人力资源服务解决方案提供商。
我们的知名客户有:宜家,强生,通用电气,ebay,西门子,可口可乐,福特汽车,阿迪达斯,UPS,泰雷兹集团, 雅诗兰黛等。
Who We Are
With an unwavering belief that a company’s success starts with its people, Alight Solutions is a leading cloud-based provider of integrated digital human capital and business solutions. Leveraging proprietary AI and data analytics, Alight optimizes business process as a service (BPaaS) to deliver superior outcomes for employees and employers across a comprehensive portfolio of services. Alight allows employees to enrich their health, wealth and work while enabling global organizations to achieve a high-performance culture.
Alight’s 15,000 dedicated colleagues serve more than 30 million employees and family members.
Our Purpose
We believe people are the single most important part of an organization — and that there is a synergistic relationship between people, work and life. Work life and home life are connected. If one isn’t thriving, the other is impacted. It’s all connected. Employers HAVE to have engaged employees to build a better, stronger, more resilient organization. At Alight, we are reimaging how people and organizations thrive.