




康迈尔工业集团(Comer Industries)成立于1970年,总部位于意大利的Reggiolo(Reggio Emilia,Italy),是一家专门设计与生产动力传动系统、传动轴、液压电机和液压泵、农用与工业设备驱动轴等专业传动设备,并为行业提供先进的工程系统设计制造及机电解决方案的跨国企业。截至目前,除在意大利具有8处生产工厂,在美国、德国、法国和英国等国家和地区均建立了海外子公司。康迈尔在全球拥有约翰迪尔、卡特彼勒、CNH、福田雷沃重工、洋马、西门子、沃尔沃等知名企业客户,在长期商业往来中,与客户建立起良好的技术合作关系。 康迈尔从1987年开始进入中国, 1998年在北京设立代表处,2001年康迈尔(上海)贸易有限公司的成立。由康迈尔工业集团独资建设的康迈尔机电(绍兴)有限公司于2008年全面投产,占地5000平方米,总投资6400万元,注册资金372万欧元,主要生产专业的机械传动装置以及工业和农业机械的一系列的传动系统。 我们正在寻找适合公司文化的优秀人才!欢迎您关注并加入我们的团队,共同分享成长与收获的快乐!我们将为每一个成功的候选人提供福利及培训机会! Vision We participate in the global market growth through transforming our products and our organization. We contribute to building a better world as a result of our commitment to sustainable development while protecting the environment. Mission Innovative products, advanced technology and a worldwide presence accounts for our continuous, profitable growth. To foster our business model we both educate and empower new and existing talent. Working in Comer Industries Comer Industries is a dynamic company, that continually renovates to respond to the various opportunities offered by the market and to best meet its customers’ needs. In Comer Industries, our people continuously participate in training activities at all levels: enhancing the skills of our staff means investing in our competitiveness. For this reason, Comer Industries has founded Comer Academy, an in-house school for training and management, designed to support our business model through the development of talent and the creation of new leaders. Becoming part of Comer Industries means being goal oriented to become a competitive player. To follow this approach, Comer Industries has adopted a system to assess performance, an indispensable mean to identify potential improvement areas. Job Opportunities Becoming part of the Comer Industries team means working for an innovative and technologically advanced company, where commitment and professionalism represent the guiding principles of our corporate organization. Comer Industries is looking for competent, motivated and creative people, able to initiate projects, accomplish results and contribute to achieving goals as expressed in our company mission: "[...] to foster our business model, we both educate and empower new and existing talents". ***********************





