




成立于1951年的瑞典利乐公司早在1979年就进入中国市场。利乐一直信奉“与中国客户共同成长”的经营理念,致力于贯彻“确保安全的食品在任何地方皆举手可得”的使命,不断将先进的技术设备和完善的配套服务引进中国,在中国液态食品行业发挥着重要的作用。   利乐公司于1951年成立于瑞典,创新性地推出了一种耗材最少、卫生水平***的牛奶包装——利乐四面体纸包装,并成为当时最先为液态奶提供纸质包装的公司之一。通过在竞争中不断进步和创新,利乐已经发展成为向牛奶、果汁、饮料和许多其它产品提供整套包装系统的大型供应商。1991年,利乐的业务延伸至液态食品加工设备、厂房工程及干酪生产设备。今天,利乐能够向世界各地的食品生产企业提供一体化的食品加工设备、包装系统、分销系统、以及与这些系统相关联的技术咨询与培训、新产品开发与定位、市场培育与发展等全方位的高附加值“软件”服务 —— 利乐为客户提供的是系统化的整体解决方案。   利乐在全球共有38家销售公司,42家包材生产厂,9家包装系统组装厂。公司拥有 22,896名员工,2011年度的净销售收入约为 103.60亿欧元,产品行销170多个国家。2011年,利乐共销售了1670亿个包装,为全球消费者提供了756亿升的液态食品包装。   利乐公司创始人鲁宾• 劳辛博士在公司成立伊始就把“包装带来的节约应超过其自身成本”作为公司业务的座右铭。长期以来,利乐的经营活动和环保努力始终遵循 “4R”原则,即可再生(Renewing)、减量化(Reducing)、可循环(Recycling)和负责任(Responsibly),从原材料使用、产品设计,到生产运作乃至消费后包装的回收再利用,一切都围绕着可再生和降低对环境的影响来运行,并把环保业绩当作企业业绩的重要组成部分。   几十年来,利乐一直是中国液态食品发展的积极参与者。从上个世纪九十年代开始,利乐更是见证和参与了中国乳品工业的发展。为了成为中国液态食品工业强有力的后盾,利乐在中国不断加大投资力度。今天,利乐在中国市场的累计投资已达33.5亿元人民币,拥有2100多名员工,在上海、北京和香港等主要城市设立了10余个分支机构,并建立了遍布全国的分销网络,在北京、佛山、昆山、呼和浩特开设了先进的包材生产厂,并不断根据市场需求扩大产能,至2012年,全国总生产能力达到600亿包,足以满足甚至超越中国客户的需求。利乐在不断加大投资力度的同时,也将世界最先进的包装技术和理念引入中国市场,先后在北京成立了利乐全球最先进的设计转换中心,在上海建立了技术研发和生产中心、饮料产品研发中心等。   无论是投资建厂,还是引进先进技术,利乐着眼于根植中国的长远目标,依托全球资源优势,致力于通过系统化的解决方案,满足中国客户的需求。 核心价值观 · 客户至上,目光长远 我们确保给客户带来附加值,激励客户成长,因为我们知道是他们选择了我们。我们勇于引领未来,抓住一切机会不断学习、积极进取。 · 质量为本,创新不止 对于质量,我们决不妥协。我们不遗余力地追求更好的、适合客户需要的解决方案和突破创新。 · 自主能动,担当责任 为了利乐和客户的利益,我们有充分的自主权提出建议并果断行动。我们为自己的行为担当责任,并为社会作出贡献。 · 团结协作,乐在其中 为取得卓越成就,我们与所有同事以及其他伙伴互相尊敬,互相倚赖。我们享受合作的过程,并共同庆祝取得的成绩。 Since 1979 when it first came to China, Tetra Pak has always been following a business philosophy of “growing with Chinese customers”. Committed to “making food safe and available, everywhere”, it continuously introduces its state-of-the-art technologies and equipment and comprehensive value-added services into China, playing a significant role in the development of China’s liquid food industry. Tetra Pak was established in 1951 in Sweden. With its innovative tetrahedron-shaped cartons for packaging milk, which were highly hygienic and efficient in raw materials consumption, Tetra Pak had been one of the first suppliers to provide carton packaging solutions for liquid milk at that time. Through constant improvement and innovation, Tetra Pak has become a major supplier of packaging systems for milk, juice, beverages, and many other food products. In 1991, it expanded its product portfolio into liquid food processing equipment, plant engineering, and cheese manufacturing equipment. Today, Tetra Pak is a worldwide system provider, well-positioned to deliver integrated solutions in food processing, packaging and distribution, as well as value-added services including technical counsel and training, new product development and positioning, and consumer education. Tetra Pak has 38 market companies around the globe, and operates 42 production plants for packaging materials and 9 factories for machine assembly. It has 22,896 employees and achieved in 2011 net sales of EUR 10.360 billion. Tetra Pak products are sold in more than 170 countries. In 2011, the company delivered 167.0 billion packages for 75.6 billion liters of liquid food products to consumers in the world. The company’s tenet, A Package Should Save More Than It Costs, was set by the founder of Tetra Pak, Dr. Ruben Rausing, at the very beginning of the company in an effort to keep the consumption of raw materials and energy during the manufacturing and distribution phases to the lowest level. Tetra Pak persistently follows a “4R” principle in its operations and environment initiatives – Renewing, Reducing, Recycling, and Responsibly, minimizing its impacts to the environment. It has developed environmental performance indicators (EPI) to monitor and set improvement targets for performance in key areas. In China, Tetra Pak has been an active participant in the fast growing dairy and beverage industry. In order to be a strong supporter to Chinese customers, Tetra Pak has invested a total of RMB 3.35 billion in China to reinforce its local manufacturing and technical capabilities. Today, Tetra Pak employs more than 2,100 people in China, operating 10 offices in major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. It has four world-class converting plants in Beijing, Kunshan, Foshan, and Hohhot, with a total production capacity reach to 60 billion packs by the end of 2012 in China, large enough to meet or even exceed customers’ fast growing demands. It also has a Technology Centre & Product Development Centre in Pudong, Shanghai, and a design conversion center in Beijing, which is Tetra Pak’s most advanced in the world.





