




宝合工具,是生产并销售工业级工具的专业品牌! 公司成立于2011年,研发和设计中心位于上海市静安区江场西路,由曾出任美国Danaher公司扭力工具公司的总工程师Steve Booher创立。 宝合工具,独具特色的“高性价比工业工具”品牌,在中国上海嘉定和宣城设立2大生产基地。 宝合已经在中国专业的电力行业、轨道交通、航空、新能源汽车工业工具产品中保持领先地位,形成强势专业化的特色产品和产品组套方案。在设计、研发高附加值、高成长性的工业产品的同时,也将更多世界性的创新工业产品引入中国。2018年,宝合工具与时俱进推出了全新、有专利的、互联网+时代的突破性智能管理系统产品,包括智能工具柜和智能工具车,这套系统在不同的场所和不同的客户中有很大的发展空间,在智能化时代,宝合率先布局的智能产品,能够为客户提供更好的管理。为客户节约人员,节约成本,帮助客户实现无人化、智能化。全系列的智能产品,包括光敏感应的智能工具车,智能工具柜,以及RFID感应的智能柜和小车,以及可以满足大中型企业的智能工具管理仓库,应用最先进的光敏感应技术和RFID感应技术,结合互联网应用的软件,达到软硬件完美的结合。 以匠心塑造品质,以品质成就宝合。我们将开启全新升级之路,以智能为基础,让智能为工业工具插上腾飞的双翅,力争为客户提供智能工具更多的选择。 不断创新,不断提升,始终是宝合发展与前行的永动力! 为客户创造更大的价值,将成为宝合未来发展的重中之重     Booher, Booher Industrial Tools (Shanghai)Co., a professional, high quality, pay attention to the human engineering brand for industrial tools offering, focusing on research and develop innovative industrial technology products, and management of complicated in-process industry. The company starts with the founder Steve A.Booher, which is invested by numbers of experts who have more than 100 years of comprehensive experience in American industry field of manufacturing.     Founder of Steve A. Booher is a leader in torque tools industry, not because he served as chief engineer in the world’s largest tools group company, Danaher Tool Group, but because he has 32 years of un-interrupted torque tools designing expertise and recognition and respect throughout the world.     Our research and development team is based in the Georiga, American, and manufacturing factory founded in Shanghai. We has been consolidated successively world-renowned torque factory, the world largest manufacturing enterprise of VDE insulated tools, ESD tools, military level security cases and other platform of industrial products, providing rich industrial products to China power system, wind power, railway, petroleum and petrochemical, aerospace, energy automobile manufacturing, mechanical manufacturing, high-end hotels and property maintenance industry and so forth.     Booher products have passed the world's strictest various certification and testing, including VDE certification which is issued by Verband Deutscher Elektrotechnikere in German, IEC following , EU regulation on REACH , ASTM, STANAG4280, MILC-4150J, FED-STD-101C, all these make us become a leader position in the world manufacturing field.     When the industrial growth 4.0 becomes the national strategy, to establish a highly personalized, digital product and service in production mode becomes BOOHER’S future mission and goal. 简历投递邮箱





