




通力全球 作为全球电梯和自动扶梯行业的领导者之一, 通力在过去的一个多世纪中,始终贴近客户需求,为客户提供行业领先的电梯和自动扶梯产品自动门产品以及创新的更新改造和维保解决方案。我们为各类建筑的整个生命周期提供专业服务,从设计、维修到更新改造。 在城市化不断深入的今天,通力致力于通过开发和提供解决方案为人们创造平稳、安全、舒适、无需等待的***客流体验。 2014年,通力的年净销售额达到73亿欧元,在全球近60个国家开展业务,拥有逾4万7千名员工。公司b类股票在芬兰赫尔辛基纳斯达克omx交易所上市。 通力中国 1996 年12 月通力电梯有限公司在中国昆山注册成立,是通力集团在亚太地区最主要的 电梯及自动扶梯生产基地。2013年,占地约24万平方米的通力电梯新工业园和研发中心在昆山正式开业,是通力全球***、研发实力最雄厚的生产及研发基地。通力生产的产品除满足国内需求外,还出口到泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、和中东地区等90 多个国家和地区。 截至2014年底,通力中国拥有近10300名员工,50家分公司,368个维保站,60个销售代表处。 kone global kone is a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry. kone has been committed to understanding the needs of our customers for the past 100 years, providing industry-leading elevators and escalators, as well as innovative solutions for modernization and maintenance. the oobjective of kone is to offer the best people flow experience by developing and delivering solutions that enable people to move smoothly, safely, comfortably and without waiting in buildings in a rapidly urbanizing world. in 2014, kone had annual net sales of eur 7.3 billion and at the end of the year over 47,000 employees in close to 60 countries. kone corporation's class b shares are listed on the nasdaq omx helsinki ltd in finland. kone in china kone elevators co., ltd. was established in december 1996 in kunshan, china, and is the main elevator and escalator manufacturing base in asia-pacific region of kone group. in 2013, kone celebrated the official opening of new kone park and r&d center in kunshan. it is the largest production and r & d base of kone in the world covering an area of 240,00 m2. kone china not only meets its domestic demand, but also exports products to more than 90 countries and areas such as thailand, malaysia, singapore, middle east. by the end of 2014, kone has 50 branches, 60 offices, 368 service sites national wide and approximately 10,300employees.





