




2007年开始模切产品生产,2008年率先在一苹果项目中开发设计出金属网纱结构,同年开始配合Nokia项目提供模切产品。         Started die-cutting manufacturing in 2007,began to provide service of metal mesh products to Apple and also die cut products to Nokia in 2008. 工厂占地: 深圳工厂面积2000平方米,苏州工厂面积6000平方米。         Well established precision die-cutting plant at Shenzhen(2000m2)and Suzhou(3000m2),new factory about 6000m2 planned to set up in 2013. 深圳工厂地址:深圳市宝安区观澜街道新城社区唐正科技园1栋1、2层         Shenzhen Address: Floor 1&2,Building A , Tangzheng Technology Park, 152# Guanlan Road, Guanlan Town, Longhua District, Shenzhen, GuangDong Province, China. 苏州工厂地址:苏州市吴中区胥口镇上供路248号。         Suzhou Address: 248#,Shanggong Road, Xukou Town,Suzhou,Jiangsu Province. 雇员:总人数超过300人,其中工程技术人员10%以上,品质人员15%以上。          Employee: 300+ Employees and more than 25% are development engineers and Quality Engineers. 在北京、廊坊、太原、郑州、成都设有办事处         Set up office at Beijing, Langfang,Taiyuan,Zhengzhou and Chengdou. 工厂通过了ISO9001和ISO14001认证         ISO9001 / ISO14001 certified. 生产设备研发及制造能力, 9项与设备研发有关的专利         Manufacturing equipment design and assembling capability, 9 patents achieved on equipment development . 是富士康、伟创力、比亚迪、绿点等的认证精密模切加工供应商,参与多个A公司、NOKIA、MOTO、亚马逊项目的精密模切件供货。         Products covering components for various projects of A company, Nokia, MOTO, Amazon, etc. 我们为客户提供精密模切加工解决方案,致力于满足客户在消费类电子行业生产过程中所需要的高品质精密模切加工部件需求。                 We are a professional manufacturer of precision die-cutting components. We provide die-cutting products to serve electronics, telecommunications and automotive markets. 我们为客户加工定制的主要产品,深圳工厂以粘胶部件、保护膜、垫圈、减震片、扬声器网纱、屏蔽绝缘片、防尘垫、石墨片等为主;苏州工厂主要以 光电系列(扩散片、反射片、镜片、OCA……)等高洁净材料加工部件。                    Our products range from lens adhesive, protections, masks, shock pads, OCA, speaker meshes, display gaskets, graphite sheets, etc. 我们拥有专业自动化设备研发团队,自行研发设计各种生产设备,能够配合客户发展,以具有竞争力的开办费用迅速建立产能。                   Our innovative equipment engineering team designs and builds various manufacturing equipment to support our manufacturing expansion at a competitive cost and fast speed. 我们经历丰富的、具有深厚行业背景的产品及制造工程师团队,不断研究探索,为我们的生产提供自动化技术改良,材料的节约, 装配的改善, 从而提供给客户更具成本优化的高品质产品。                   Our professional PD&ME team with diversified leading industry background are dedicated to improve manufacturing automation, material saving and inventive converting solutions thus to provide more cost effective products to our customers 我们能提供具有竞争力的价格,具有快速的打样与生产反应能力,我们的净化间可以满足客户不同产品要求的净化级别。                    We provide competitive price ,fast speed sample making, flexible production with clean room to meet customer expectation. 我们借助与上市公司的合作,利用其充足的资金与广大的平台,建立我们遍布中国东西南北的生产、销售与服务中心,满足客户不断发展的需求.              We make continuous improvements to build new facilities, manufacturing sites and service offices with the cooperation and fund support of our Partners to meet customers needs and further development.





