




大通机械有限公司于1994年创立于香港,起初以经营欧美日高档机床及生产线为主,现专门经营美国哈斯(haas)数控机床,是中国大陆***的哈斯机床代理商。迄今已在中国大陆销售逾千台哈斯机床,大通的客户遍及祖国的大江南北,分布在汽车、摩托车、船舶、机械、模具、压铸、航空航天、电子通讯、电器、缝纫机、五金、卫浴、电梯、学校、研究所等各行各业。     2006年4月下旬,大通广州HFO(haas factory outlet,即哈斯数控机床专卖店,简称hfo),及与美国phillips集团合资兴办的上海hfo相继获得美国哈斯的认证而正式开业,建立了哈斯世界级的先进销售服务体系,大通向"做全球***的机床经销商"的愿景迈进了一大步,也告诉广大用户和同行大通已完全具备了提供世界级服务的实力。继上海HFO获得巨大成功后,大通和美国phillips集团成功的合作复制到江浙区域,于2007年的金秋时节为苏州HFO和浙江HFO举行了盛大的开业庆典,2009年7月又迎来了杭州HFO、深圳HFO和厦门HFO的胜利开业。2012年,大通有相继在成立了湖南哈斯办事处以及东莞嘉坤刀具公司,整条围绕机床销售主营业务的产品链已十分成熟。     大通每个HFO占地面积均超过1,000平方米,设有现代化高标准展厅、井井有条的大型备件库、配置多台美国原装教学控制器的哈斯技术培训中心、试加工中心、交钥匙工程车间、多辆维修专用车,还有整洁宽阔的办公区域。为用户提供从选型、制作工艺方案、试加工、培训、安装调试、维修、维护保养等售前、售中、售后的一站式服务。 公司拥有管理、技术、营销各类中高级人才300余人。大通一直信奉“家”的文化,倡导员工要孝顺父母,亲爱家人,关怀同事,关注社会弱势群体。每个员工在入职后公司会安排一周的脱产带薪培训,参加以《弟子规》为基础的《幸福人生讲座》,同时组织同事们参加社会公益慈善活动,旨在让员工真正感受:快乐工作,精彩生活。     公司一直奉行“尊重人才、培育人才、德才兼备、人尽其才”的人才理念,提供具有竞争力的薪资福利待遇,良好的晋升通道和空间,为了配合企业的迅速发展,诚邀各类人才的加盟:      目前,大通机械在全国各地纷纷成立了子公司,同时与美国PHILLIPS在上海、苏州、浙江成立了合资公司,包括: 1.大普数控机械(上海)有限公司--上海HFO 地址:上海市宝山区泰和路2038号北上海创意港111室 电话:021-56371909, 56374512, 2.大熙数控机械(上海)有限公司--苏州HFO 地址:苏州市工业园区阳澄湖大道创投工业坊5a厂房 电话:0512-68636326 3.大律机械设备(上海)有限公司--宁波HFO 地址:浙江省宁波市鄞州区四明东路568号办公楼1~2层 电话:0574-83050607 4.大峰机械(珠海)有限公司--广东HFO 地址:广州市高新技术开发区科学城光谱西路3号办公楼一楼 电话:020-82372180 82374057 82374935 5.大峰机械(珠海)有限公司--武汉HFO 地址:武汉市蔡甸区常贵南路仟岛科技工业 电话:027-84960830 6.大峰数控机械(上海)有限公司--厦门HFO 地址:厦门市同安工业集中区同安园集和路288号2#工业厂房一层(伟士科技园内) 电话:0592-7206060 7.大峰机械(珠海)有限公司--东莞办事处 地址:东莞市长安镇霄边社区双龙路8号兆昌电商中心写字楼六楼605 电话:0769-88002589 9.大峰机械(珠海)有限公司--长沙办事处 地址:湖南省长沙市开福区珠江郦城公园一号31栋2105 电话:0731-85112218 福利待遇: 1.享受国家规定的各类法定假期及年假。 2.薪 酬:有吸引力的基本工资,年终双薪、销售部门高额提成方案等。 3.社会保险:购买养老、生育、工伤、失业、医疗,为您解决后顾之忧; 4.住房公积金:为您购房提供优惠贷款的保障; 5. 额外福利: a.有薪假期:提供国务院规定的各类法定节假日,超长的有薪年假及春节长假,使您有更多的时间与家人共享天伦之乐; b.提供午餐、电话费补贴; c.员工父母水果金、孩子小太阳基金、救急基金、抚恤金等; d.员工保健:一年一度的员工体检,关心您从关注您的健康开始; e.旅游休闲:每年一次休闲旅游活动。   tai tong machinery co. ltd. was founded in hong kong in 1994, with its mainland headquarters in guangzhou china. tai tong’s core business in mainland is: distributing haas cnc machines made in usa and conducts the services locally. haas automation inc. is one of the leading cnc machine tool manufacturers in usa. haas authorizes it sales and services function to its distributors by establishing hfo (haas factory outlets). world class brand, high cost-effective products and outstanding services have brought great competitive advantages of haas machine tools in machine tool market worldwide. in 2012, tai tong has successively established hunan haas offices and dong guang jia kun tool company, it means the whole produt line, which mainly concerns on the business of selling the machine tools ,has been well developed. tai tong is one of the largest distributors of haas in china and distributes over 1000 sets of haas machines per years. tai tong is entitled the sole dealership of guangdong, shanghai, suzhou, zhejiang and fujian which are all developed regions of china. and we have established 6 sole or jv hfos in guangzhou, shenzhen, shanghai, suzhou, ningbo, xiamen. we have also got our own machine shop, fixture plant and cutting tool departments to support the sales of machine tools.   each hfo of tai tong occupies over 1000 m2 ,equipped with modern show room, tidy spare parts warehouse, training center, trial machining centers, service vans and comfortable offices. hfo provides customers with one stop services including: selection, application, trial machining, training, installing, repair and maintenances from presales to after sales.   the company has got over 300 employees with talents of management, technical, sales and marketing etc. “home”,the culture which tai tong always believe in .it promotes staff should filial piety toward our parents, love our families, care about our colleagues and pay attention to social vulnerable groups. after the induction, the company will organize a week-long off the job training with salary .we will attend the happy life lecture, which based on the disciple gauge. in the meantime, the company will organize the colleagues to participate in social charity activities so as to let the staff truly experience the state of woking happily and having a wonderful life.   the company have been well following it philosophy on personnel as “respecting talents, cultivate talents, combine ability with integrity, give full scope to the talents.” we provide competitive salary packages, good promotion path and great growing room. to meet the demands of rapid expansion, we warmly welcome all kinds of talents to join us. we provide you with: 1、working time :offers all kind of paid holidays according to law. 2、compensation: competitive basic salary and rises once a year. double salary at year ,high incentive policy for sales team. 3、social insurance and housing fund: fully follow the government policies 4、special welfare: a)extra cny holidays and paid holidays. b)lunch subsidy, call subsidy. c)parent thanksgiving fund, kid loving fund, staff emergency fund, consolation money. d)physical check subsidy.



泉州 蒲田


