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  • 2019-07-20发布

全球管培生 10 - 15千/月

北京市-北京市工作经验:无要求学历:硕士 浏览数:677投递数:2


Management Trainee 
Innovate Global Early Career Program-Solution Architect (Beijing/Dalian)
Our INNOVATE Early Careers Program focuses on technology leadership. Our aim is to attract and guide the most talented, innovative and creative technology minds.
We offer you the opportunity to engage with the most exciting technology on the planet and the challenges it brings. We’ll give you an awesome career that uses technology to change how we live, work and connect our communities, but you’ll have the passion and drive to make the future happen. 
We’ll give you an 18-month development program and you’ll use your experience to educate and connect the world. 
We’ll provide you with the chance to work with like-minded people who are pioneers in our business and advanced thinkers in their chosen field. You’ll collaborate with them to solve some of the most challenging issues faced by our customers. 
We’ll offer work with world-leading teams in Mobile Networks, Broadcasting, Cloud and Information Communication Technology. You’ll try new ways of working and innovate the future. 
What can you expect from our program? 
• An 18-month development program including a 6 months international job assignment
• To be encouraged to experiment with solutions to technological problems 
• To work with digital specialists that encourage your curiosity 
• To think both strategically and globally about technology
• Mentoring from a senior leader
• Strategic, cross-functional projects, often in global, virtual teams.
We’re looking for people who are curious about how the next generation of technology will shape and influence the way we all live and work. You’re looking for a dynamic opportunity that is going to define your future. Look no further. 

Job summary:
We Ericsson, the world ICT industry leader, established the Global Service Center in China since 1997. We are delivering services to customers all over the world on 4G, 5G, and IoT networks. In all our deliveries we engage our talents in from solution development to build efficient and advanced customer network solutions to deployment.
We are looking for young talents to join Ericsson Global Early Career Program commencing August 2019. The successful candidates will be provided with a competitive Compensation & Benefit package, as well as an international leadership development program lasting 18 months inclusive of classroom training, on-the-job training and overseas assignments.
• As the Trainee, to complete all learning tasks and assignments individually or in team as per Program instructions; 
• As the new talent, to achieve competence development targets set by home organization within limited period of time. 
• As the new talent in Global Service Center, to analyze customer needs, drive end-to-end technical solutions, design solution offerings, and support the solution deployment. 

• Master’s degree from reputable universities, major in Computer Science, Communications, Software Engineering or equivalent is a plus; Overseas education experience is also a plus;
• Fresh graduate or less than 3 years working experiences in ICT industry; 
• Experiences on ICT solution development, software development or ICT Service delivery are preferable; 
• Solid knowledge on computer science, programming languages or communication technologies; 
• Proven high intellectual and analytical skills as well as leadership potential; 
• Passionate and fast learner; 
• Excellent capability of communication and presenting; 
• Fluent in English. 


爱立信是全球先进的通信技术与服务提供商,提供的网络设备承载着全球近40%的移动业务,为超过25亿用户提供服务。我们的愿景是实现任何人都能使用语言,数据,图片和视频随时随地交流思想,分享信息。 1876年成立的爱立信,总部设立在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,在全球拥有95, 000多名员工,45, 000项获批专利。目前爱立信正与整个生态系统密切合作,共同推进移动通信领域演进的下一个里程碑——5G的全球标准化。 “尊爱至诚、专业进取、锲而不舍”是爱立信企业文化的三大基石,指导我们的日常工作。对人的关注是爱立信文化始终不变的精髓,公司营造奋发、进取、和谐、平等的工作氛围,为员工塑造强大的精神支柱。2017年,爱立信还特别赢得了由 “HR Asia”颁发的 “亚洲最佳企业雇主奖-中国区” 奖项。 在爱立信工作是怎样一种体验? 尊重:轻松、自由、被尊重! 专业:创造力爆棚,感觉分分钟可以飞上技术巅峰。 坚持:弹性工时,上班不打卡,欢乐工作八小时。然而这里好像有一股强大的气流,工作不是强迫,更像是一种信仰。 导师:每位新员工都有一位导师从工作方方面面进行长期指导,初入职场也不用担心。 资源:爱立信学院、e-learning在线课堂、导师计划、在职培训、知识分享……这里有用不完的学习资源。


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