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  • 2019-10-19发布

设备工程师-影视学院 6 - 8千/月

江苏省-苏州市工作经验:无要求学历:无要求 浏览数:377投递数:0


Qualification & Responsibility
General Description职位概述
The post holder will assist the equipment manager to provide effective and efficient management and technical support of film equipment and facilities within the School of Film and Television Arts. The role will include the upkeep of booking systems and inventory of equipment. The post holder will communicate and implement a safe working environment and methods, within Health and Safety guidelines for classes and production shoots.The post-holder will have knowledge and/or expertise of camera equipment and a keen interest in new technologies as well as booking systems.The post holder must be proficient in both written and spoken English and be able to communicate with English speaking staff and students.

Main Responsibility and Accountability
工作职责 (Note: XJTLU is a dynamic, rapidly evolving university; the range of duties etc. set out below is indicative and not prescriptive. The person appointed will be expected to show flexibility and adaptability in meeting the developing needs of the University).Be involved in the movement of film equipment in and out of the equipment room when required for all projects and classes within the School of Film and Television Arts.Be aware of and implement the Health and Safety aspects of all SoFTA internal and external projects and classesOperate the Booking Point system and develop its use within the School to assist students and staff to have ease of access of kit at all times during their studies and project workBe involved in the periodic review of equipment booking procedures ensuring visual inspection and fault reportingMaintain and manage a full inventory list of equipment and set up a database of equipment life cycles in line with the School’s strategic planKeep up-to-date with Firmware updates and manage the implementation of such updates to ensure minimum disruption to the work of the School.Be involved in discussions about future equipment purchases within the guidelines set up by the School of Film and Television Arts and the UniversityTo liaise with faculty/University staff and outside bodies to resolve problems;To work effectively to utilize the resources available to ensure operational and cost efficiencyTo undertake training in all aspects of the work and taking responsibility for keeping up-to-date in the technical skills required for the post.Other duties commensurate with position as defined by the Heads of Department or his/her Officers including support to other colleagues in the University when required, such as during times of peak workflow, holidays, sickness, etc.Undertake any other reasonable duties on behalf of the School of Film and Television Arts
Position Qualification Requirement任职标准
Skills and Knowledge (技能)
Good interpersonal, communication skills, as well good customer service. Good team work spirit and problem solving capabilities.Ability to organize and coordinate a variety of administration tasks in a busy office environmentGood knowledge of camera and location filming equipment, materials, supplies, and procedures, practices, techniques,
Qualifications and Experience (资历)
Proficiency in English to at least Certificate of College English Test – Band 6 (CET6) or equivalent;Appropriate qualifications in a science or technology based subject. Knowledge for the media equipment is preferred;


西交利物浦大学坐落在素有“人间天堂”之称的苏州,这座文化名城至今仍坐落在春秋战国期间的原址上。仍然保持着“水陆平行,河街相邻”的双棋盘格局和粉墙黛瓦、小桥流水的古朴风貌。古城数千年的历史,给后人留下了大量的珍贵文化遗产,其中又以园林为著称,拙政园、留园、网师园等九处名胜古迹被列为世界文化遗产。今天的苏州不仅保留了它悠久文化传统,同时又是一个与时俱进的、对世界开放的现代化城市。近年来它的国民经济总产值以将近15%年增长率快速发展。苏州的GDP仅次于上海、北京和广州。 西交利物浦大学是苏州进一步对外开放和教育全球化的产物。苏州及周边地区经济的高速发展吸引了两所世界名校——中国西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学。它们作为母校在苏州工业园区独墅湖高教区合作创办一所以理、工、管起步的国际型大学。这也是国内一所由教育部批准中外“强强”合作的大学。它的愿景是研究导向、独具特色、世界认可的中国大学和中国土地上的国际大学。它旨在培养具有国际视野和竞争力的高级技术和管理人才;积极为经济和社会发展提供科技和管理服务;在人类面临严重生存挑战的领域有特色地开展研究;探索高等教育新模式,影响中国甚至世界的教育发展。 西交利物浦大学建校于中国—新加坡苏州工业园区,这所学校将在悠久浓郁的文化传统与世界罕有的高速经济发展并存共生的美好环境中成长。 请使用网站提供的信息和链接来更好地了解苏州,了解西交利物浦大学。


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