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  • 2024-07-26发布

装配钳工(嘉兴) 面议


工作职责:* 熟练掌握装配常用工装的基本知识,能够读懂部件装配图* 电气、液(气)压系统原理图和绘制简单零件图优先* 能够根据机械设备的技术要求,确定装配工艺顺序优先* 保持场地干净、整洁* 协助部门其他同事,完成相关任务并完成主管分配的其它相关工作应聘要求:* 高中及以上学历* 二年以上的相关工作经验;有外企工作经验优先考虑* 有责任心,人品正直,踏实肯干* 有钳工证、焊工证优先考虑。
6.保险: 除依法为正式员工缴纳五险一金外,公司还提供大型商业保险(包括意外险,员工医疗公费报销,住院补贴,重大疾病险,子女医疗公费报销)
7.休假: 员工依法享受国家法定节假日、病假、婚假、丧假、产假、带薪法定年休假与公司福利年休假。8.年终奖:提供年底双薪及财年结束后提供年终绩效奖金(2个月月度工资为基数) 年龄要求:25岁以上
职能类别:钳工 关键字:电气原理图工装零件图装配工艺焊工证外企部件装配图钳工证


亨内基是世界领先的聚氨酯发泡机与生产线生产商之一。位于德国波恩附近圣奥古斯丁的亨内基公司,在块状泡沫生产线,冰箱发泡生产线,夹心板生产线和模塑成型方面都占有***的国际地位。包括分布在美国彼斯堡,新加坡,中国上海的分支机构,全球共有大约760名员工,2018年的营业额达到约1.8亿欧元。 成立于1945年的德国亨内基公司半个多世纪以来一直活跃于聚氨酯工业界,是制造及研发聚氨酯发泡设备的专业厂家。早在1967年就与世界化工业巨头德国拜耳公司(BAYER.AG)开始长期的紧密合作,为世界化工机械制造与科技之领导者,在聚氨酯机器及加工技术发展史上具有决定性的影响力。 1994年亨内基上海随着拜耳集团进入中国,主要专注于进口设备的销售与技术服务。自2008年初亨内基上海从拜耳集团中独立出来,成立亨内基机械(上海)有限公司,随之在上海设立研发,采购,制造等运营中心。亨內基中国位于浙江省嘉兴市的第二个工厂于2018年5月正式完成建设。工厂总占地面积为14666平方米,新工厂的投产进一步增强了亨內基中国的制造能力。上海公司将作为亨内基中国的总部,专注于销售、服务和研发。亨内基机械(上海)有限公司被评为“上海市劳动关系和谐企业”,我们注重员工培养和企业文化建设。 亨内基中国为亨内基的亚洲研发及制造中心,我们将逐步扩大生产制造规模,将产品及生产线供应亚太市场;我们将加强工程技术力量,满足客户的特定需求;同时加大本地化采购力度以降低成本、以期待更好地服务客户以及为关联公司采购。我们也注重团队架构的建设,有计划地邀请专业人才加入,包括机械工程、电气工程、质量控制、供应商开发与采购、客户服务等等。 本着七十多年聚氨酯发泡设备的丰富制造经验,亨内基集团与亨内基中国将更好的服务于亚太客户,为其提供成熟的解决方案,完备的设备种类和高效的应用支持,提升整个亚太地区的应答效率。 Hennecek GmbH is worldwide leader in the field of polyurethane foaming machines and related production lines. The company, located in Sankt Augustin nearby city Bonn, holds international leading position in the areas of slabstock production line, refrigerator foaming line, sandwich panel production line and moulded foam production line. The group has about 760 employees including those working subsidiary companies in Pittsbrugh/USA, Singapore, Shanghai/China. The annual turnover in 2018 is about 180 million euro. Founded in 1945, Hennecke GmbH has been active in Polyurethane industry for more than half a century. As early as 1967, it started long term close partnership with world’s chemical giant Bayer A.G. Together with Bayer, Hennecke becomes the leader of world’s chemical machinery and technology and has decisive influence in the development history of polyurethane machinery and processing knowhow. Since 1994, Hennecke entered Chinese market under Bayer Group. The initial focus was sales and service of imported machinery. Since 2008, Hennecke Shanghai became independent out of Bayer Group and established Hennecke Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Later on, various operation departments including engineering, purchasing and production were established. Hennecke Shanghai has been the Asia manufacturing hub of Hennecke Group. We will gradually expand our production scale to supply products and production lines to Asia pacific market. We will strengthen our engineering force to meet the special demands of our customers. In the mean time, we will increase our local sourcing activities to reduce the cost, improve the service to our customers and related companies. We pay much attention towards the construction of staff team by inviting talents and specialists into our organization, including the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, quality engineering, supply chain management and customer service etc. Over 70 years manufacturing experience in polyurethane machinery, Hennecke GmbH and Hennecke Shanghai will provide a better service to customers in Asia Pacific region with mature industrial solution, complete machinery types and highly efficient application support. The target is to raise the overall market response efficiency in the region.


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