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  • 2024-07-02发布

Principal Engineer (Product Engineering) 面议

广东省-广州市工作经验:10年以上学历:本科 浏览数:29投递数:2 带薪年假 五险一金 包吃 免费班车 绩效奖金


1.0 To establish a Job Description that outlines the reporting relationship, prerequisites, responsibilities and general job requirements for the Principal Engineer (Product Engineering) 建立工作描述,概述报告关系、先决条件、首席工程师(产品工程)的职责和一般工作要求
2.1 This Job Description shall apply to the Principal Engineer (Product Engineering) at Jabil Circuit China.此职位描述适用于捷普电路中国的首席工程师(产品工程)
3.1 This document shall be changed with the following signatures:变更本文件时,需签署以下签字: Authorization Required Division IE Manager Huangpu
4.1 IE –Industrial Engineering 工业工程
5.1 It shall be the responsibility of the IE manager to ensure that the Principal Engineer (Product Engineering) understands this job description. IE经理有责任确保首席工程师(产品工程)理解这份工作描述
6.1 The Principal Engineer (Product Engineering) will report to the IE Manager. 首席工程师(产品工程)报告给工业工程经理。
7.1 Guide the IE team in operating with a high level of efficiency, integrity and enthusiasm, striving to achieve excellence in all endeavors. Be creative and proactive and focus on continuous improvement 指导IE团队以高效率和正直的态度运作热情,努力在所有的努力中达到卓越。有创造力 和积极主动,并关注持续改进。
7.2 Provide the high-level skill for high level assembly on RFQ, NPI, layout, KPI drive and new technology implement with team on product family level. 提供高水平的RFQ, NPI,布局,KPI驱动提供高水平的装配技能以及新技术的实施
7.3 Provide the high-level skill for high level assembly on DFA, failure analysis, diagnostic, schematic interpretation on product family level. 提供高水平的产品设计分析,故障分析、诊断、产品组装层面的原理图解读
7.3 Focus on the training & coach on Engineer to make sure the skill of team continues improvement. 专注于团队工程师的技能培训和训练并持续改进
7.4 Communicate with Customer and other Functions efficiency 与客户和其他职能部门有效沟通沟通8.0 PREREQUISITES8.1 Bachelor’s degree (B.S.I.E.) from 4-years college or university, Minimum 6 years work-related experience required in engineering or project management related discipline. 四年制学院或大学学士学位(B.S.I.E.) ,至少6年工程或项目管理相关工作经验.8.2 Ability to define problems collects data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form and deal with several abstract and concrete variables. 明确问题的能力,收集数据,建立事实,并得出有效的结论结论。能够翻译大量 技术说明数学或图表形式处理几个抽象和具体变量。 8.3 Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, proportions, percentages, area, circumference, and volume. Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry.能够计算数字和金额,如折扣,利息,佣金,比例,百分比,面积,周长和体积能够应用基本的代数和几何概念8.4 Advanced PC skills, including training and knowledge of Jabil’s software packages. Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak effectively before groups of customers or employees of organization. 先进的电脑技能,包括培训和捷普软件的知识包。能够阅读和解释文件,如安全规 则,操作维护说明和程序手册。编写程序的能力报告和信件。能在一群人面前有效 地讲话客户或组织的雇员。8.5 Has overseas working experience. 有海外工作经验8.6 Accept support working oversea 接受海外工作支持9.0 JOB DESCRIPTION9.1 Workcell team in the timely production of quality product 在工作单元团队中及时生产出优质产品9.
1.1 Develop new line configuration proposals and implement proposals. 制定新线路配置方案并实施方案9.
1.2 Review product designs for compliance with engineering principles, company standards, and contact requirements and related specifications审查产品设计是否符合工程原则,公司标准、联络要求及相关规范9.
1.3 DFA,Failure analysis, diagnostic, schematic interpretation on product family level.产品设计分析,故障分析、诊断、产品组装层面的原理图解读 9.
1.4 Maintain capacity model with bottleneck operations identified for are assigned.维护已确定的瓶颈操作的能力模型9.
1.5 Assure accurate work instructions and visual aids are available.确保有准确的作业指导书和视觉辅助9.
1.6 Assures production tooling, processing equipment and workstations are available and maintained. 确保生产工具、加工设备和工作站的可用性和维护9.
1.7 Coordinate layout and workstation move activities. 协调布局和工位移动活动9.
1.8 Prepares time estimates for proposed projects and evaluates time factors准备拟议项目的时间预算,并评估时间因素9.2 Monitor and continuously improve the daily efficiency, productivity and quality of manufacturing processes for assigned areas. 监督并持续改进指定区域的日常生产效率、生产效率和生产质量。9.
2.1 Explore new manufacturing technologies to support customer needs or drive cost reductions 探索新的制造技术以满足客户需求或降低成本9.
2.2 Improves safety and throughput by modifying tooling, processing equipment and workstations. 通过修改工装、加工设备和工作站,提高安全性和吞吐量9.
2.3 Coordinate layout and workstation move activities. Prepares time estimates for proposed projects and evaluates time factors. 协调布局和工位移动活动。准备拟议项目的时间预算,并评估时间因素9.
2.4 Minimize change over time by ensuring programs use common set-ups where possible. 通过确保程序在可能的情况下使用公共设置来最小化随时间的变化。9.
2.5 Reduce machine-generated scrap by monitoring machine management data and taking corrective action to improve or correct the operations.监控机器管理数据,采取纠正措施改善或纠正操作,减少机器报废9.
2.6 Reduce manual assembly scrap by monitoring quality data and taking corrective action to improve or correct the operations.通过监控质量数据和采取纠正措施改善或纠正操作,减少人工装配报废9.
2.7 Studies functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication.研究职能说明、组织图和项目资料,以确定工人和工作单位的职能和责任,并查明重复的领域9.
2.8 Analyzes work force utilization, facility layout, and operational data such as production costs, process flow charts, and production schedules, to determine efficient utilization of workers and equipment.分析劳动力利用率、设施布局和操作数据,如生产成本、工艺流程图和生产计划,以确定有效利用工人和设备。9.
2.9 Recommends methods for improving worker efficiency and reducing waste of materials and utilities such as restructuring job duties, reorganizing work flow, relocating work stations and equipment, and purchase of equipment.建议调整工作职责、调整工作流程、搬迁工作站和设备、购置设备等方法,以提高工人工作效率,减少材料和设施浪费。9.
2.10 Confers with management and engineering staff to implement plans and recommendations.与管理人员和工程人员协商实施计划和建议9.4 Provide training and assistance to Industrial engineers including direct supervision in some cases 为工业工程师提供培训和协助,包括直接监督在某些情况下9.5 Lead the automation process, e-solution, FOF’s plan, introduction, implementation smoothly in his area. 领导所在区域产品的自动化流程,电子解决方案,智能工厂的规划,导入以及顺利实施9.6 Understand and drive regulatory and compliance certifications as appropriate (eg. regulatory requirements surrounding ISO9000, ISO14000, AS9100, TUV). 理解并推动法规和合规认证(如,围绕ISO9000、ISO14000、AS9100、TUV的法规要求)。9.7 Adhere to all company policies and procedures. 遵守公司所有政策和程序
职能类别:机械研发工程师 关键字:3Citie工业工程产品工程reporting


捷普电子(无锡)有限公司(Jabil Circuit (Wuxi) Co., LTD),是总部位于美国的捷普集团在无锡高新区综合保税区内设立的全资子公司,属于电子合约制造服务商(EMS)行业,主要从事电子产品的代加工,同时也开展研发和新品原型试产服务。捷普集团成立于1966年,是世界第三大电子服务供应商,在全球26个国家和地区拥有超过110家工厂和实验室,员工超200,000人,2019年预计全球产值250亿美元。   1、 基本情况  捷普电子(无锡)有限公司奠基于2004年9月,拥有员工6000多人。公司为全球世界多家著名电子公司提供通讯基站、高端存储服务器、电子消费类产品的设计、制造和售后服务。曾荣获“捷普集团全球***精益工厂”、“中国出入境检验检疫 A类企业”、“海关A 类企业”、“无锡进出口企业一类企业”等的荣誉称号。在生产技术方面, 拥有先进的制造(MES)和物料管理系统(SAP),并于2016年7月荣获江苏省经信委颁发的“江苏省网络设备制造示范智能车间” 。公司秉承质量***的原则,曾经荣获“美国国家质量局ASQ”全球竞赛第三名、“中国国家质量局CAQ”全国竞赛***名等荣誉。是江苏省和无锡市“工人先锋号”。得到国务院、省市各级领导的关注与参观。 2018财年实现销售收入163亿元人民币,同比增长27%, 实现利润4亿多元,企业所得税壹亿多元。预计2019财年实现销售收入135亿元人民币,预计实现利润3.3亿多元。


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